Wellness and Creativity Introduction
This section is dedicated to introducing wellness theory, creativity theory, and how the two work together. I will share a variety of theories and some definitions I have concluded based on this information. I offer these definitions as a way to provide clarity and full transparency of my perspective. By no means are you required or expected to adopt my definition(s). You are more than welcome to, of course. However, my hope is that you can take in this information and decide for yourself what wellness, creativity, and the integration of the two mean for you.
Before we dive in, I want to be clear that while I provide more information on multiple theories, there are countless other theories that I have not included. Further, this is meant to be an overview of the theories rather than an in-depth analysis.
Please, let me know if and how I can support your time in this course.
Course Disclaimers
As a reminder, while I am a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, these courses and services are for educational purposes only and not a substitute for counseling. This is not a therapeutic relationship.
This course is offered as a free introduction to the Creative Wellness Foundation bundle. There are three courses that were specifically designed to accompany this information: (1) self-reflection, (2) values and vulnerability, and (3) gratitude and awareness. While this course can be viewed alone, it helps explain the foundation I build on.
Before you get started on the course, please take a moment to consider the potential harm of certain perspectives or definitions of wellness. I offer my opinion on this topic through my Wellness Culture blog series.
Defining Wellness: Toxic Wellness Culture (Part 1)